Why is it important to learn to create a website?

World Wide Web | https://www.webdevelopersnotes.com/
This will be the first of several post on how to create our first page on the Internet, although we had already done a tutorial on how to create our first website this was never really online and only we could access it because it was in our computer, so this time we'll show you how to create a website that users around the world can access.

First of all, we need to know: Why is it important to learn to create a website?
Currently there are several reasons why it is important to learn to create a website and then we will explain some of them.

Easy to start.
In order to create a website you do not need to have advanced programming knowledge, nor any kind of special logic or even knowledge in advanced mathematics, although as you progress in these types of topics will be useful and necessary but you do not require them to begin.

Labor demand.
Due to the great growth that the Internet has had in recent years, there are thousands of jobs for people who have knowledge in website development to occupy them also note that this type of jobs are some of the best paid today.

Very economical.
Learning to develop websites and even applications in the cloud is very economical due to the large amount of resources that exist on the Internet and thanks to them you can learn from practically any part of the world without importing the language because with Google Translator you can learn even when the information of what you need is written in another language.
Additionally, you do not need any professional title to have a well paid job in this type of subjects and although there are real careers focused on this is not really a mandatory requirement.

Zero investment.
If we consider that at this moment you are reading this post because you are connected to the internet through your computer, you practically do not need to invest a single peso to create a website because the only thing that is needed to do it is to have a computer and internet, of which if the previous assumption was correct you would not need to invest practically in anything, as to have a website on the internet you will only need a hosting service but nowadays there are several platforms that offer you a free hosting.

Maybe if you are a more advanced user or want to do something a little more professional than a basic site you might need to invest in dedicated services such as a personalized domain, private hosting service, SSL certificate, etc...