Software for website development (editors).

Software Development. |
Using a development software is very important, in fact it could be considered as indispensable because if we did not use it we could hardly develop, at least in this type of programming, at some point you asked what is the best software? or wich is the most convenient to use?, we have a surprise!, because the answer to all the above is that it is different for each person, because each of us has different ways of develop and perhaps the software that for someone is more efficient to another one seems boring and does not attract attention.
There are a lot of programs and tools to create web pages, but in reality not all are as we would like or as our level of knowledge, because in some cases the latter is necessary to make them work properly. That is why we will divide in this post the programs and tools in two types: Wysiwyg Editors and Visual Editors, the latter perhaps with a higher cost but require less knowledge.

NOTE: The software and tools (editors) shown below are only described for non-advertising purposes.

Adobe Dreamweaver.
Adobe Dreamweaver.
Surely I will listen to you if a user has experience in the creation of a website, maybe it is the best software of its kind nevertheless needs a great knowledge to be able to get the most out of this program, its interface is very nice besides it includes a Visualizer in real time of what you are programming.

Web Designer (Magix).
Coming from the MAGIX family, one of the most well-known companies in today's multimedia issues, it allows the development of adaptive websites for any type of device, it has basic images editing, it allows to integrate social networks, it also has two versions a basic and one premium, which compared to Dreamweaver makes it a bit easier to use, but still demand a bit of prior programming knowledge.

If you want to learn how to program or do not need a professional website at the moment, we recommend using this or another similar editor, because it allows you to highlight the syntax of the type of language that you are programming, its interface is simple and although it does not offer advantages to develop, its use will allow you to learn more easily, since any mistake you make in the programming you will have to look for it manually allowing you to learn when correcting your mistakes.

Mainly this type of software (WYSIWYG Editors) is designed for people who already have extensive knowledge in the development of websites from scratch, I mean without having a template as the basis of your future website.

Visual Editors
Blogger |
Recognized internationally for being part of Google, perhaps it is the easiest visual platform to use, one of its great advantages is that it is completely free and has no limitations except that it does not allow to host additional files, from the moment you decide to create a blog they offer you a multitude of designs so you can use or modify to your liking.
With Blogger it is really easy to have a blog (website) online, because you do not need any prior knowledge, basically it is like writing in a text editor and for more advanced users it also allows to create modifications or publications with pure HTML.

This is one of the most widespread platforms in the world, just like blogger offers us a free service to create blogs but unlike blogger, Wordpress allows us to even create an online store (paying some additional services). However, increasing the editing capabilities also increases the need for knowledge in programming languages and even having to know PHP.

In addition to Blogger and Wordpress there are many other Visual Editors for the creation of websites such as: Jimdo, Wix, Weebly and even if you hire a hosting service, you could be almost sure that the company will offer you some. However, these types of editors are largely similar and that is why we do not describe them.